Equity Market Structure & Index Benchmark Survey results: Key issues for 2021
By: Peter Haynes
February 19, 2021 - 1 minute
As recent effects of the growth in retail trading and off-exchange activity in U.S. stock markets still lingers, it's crucial to identify the key issues impacting benchmark users and market structure followers as regulators prioritize proposed changes into 2021 and beyond.
Our Institutional Equities team completed their first Equity Market Structure Survey and Index Benchmark Survey, collecting valuable insights directly from the institutional investor community.
Our Institutional Equities team completed their first Equity Market Structure Survey and Index Benchmark Survey, collecting valuable insights directly from the institutional investor community.
Review the full results of our Equity Market Structure Survey and Index Benchmark Survey
Our Equity Market Structure Survey captured investor perspectives on:
- Market data reform
- Off-exchange volume growth
- Payment for order flow
Highlights from our Index Benchmark Survey included reactions to:
- Cost of benchmark licenses
- ESG considerations for benchmark construction
- The role of China in emerging market benchmarks
Respondents were largely North American asset owners and asset managers but results also include global participants. For more information, contact Peter Haynes.
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Answers that were "No opinion/answer" were omitted.
The information in this presentation reflects prevailing conditions and our views as of this date, all of which are accordingly subject to change. TD Securities’ opinions and estimates constitute TD Securities’ judgment and should be regarded as indicative, preliminary and for illustrative purposes only. In preparing the materials, TD Securities has relied upon documents and information prepared or supplied to TD Securities from the Company and other sources, without independent verification by TD Securities. Any estimates and projections contained herein have been based upon estimates and projections contained in such documents and third party sources and there is no assurance that such estimates and projections will be realized. Neither TD Securities nor any of its employees, affiliates, advisors or representatives makes any representations (express or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of such information contained herein and nothing contained herein is or shall be construed or relied upon as, a representation, whether as to the past, present or future. Nothing herein should be construed as tax, accounting or legal advice. TD Securities does not have any obligation to update or otherwise revise the materials and information contained herein.
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Answers that were "No opinion/answer" were omitted.

Managing Director and Head of Index and Market Structure Research, TD Securities

Managing Director and Head of Index and Market Structure Research, TD Securities

Managing Director and Head of Index and Market Structure Research, TD Securities